Daniel Rendon Herrera, alias "Don Mario", was surrounded and arrested in the jungles of northern Antioquia province April 15, 2009 000 for every officer they murdered + Rendon Herrera offered his gunmen $1 000 for every officer they murdered Rendon Herrera offered his gunmen $1
Jamaliah Yacab, 24, and Maryati Sipon, 27, faced a capital charge as the amount of heroin came to 16.53g. April 13, 2009 +0 Malaysia Malaysia
Saudi judge named Hamad Salim bin Naif had been arrested in the Gulf emirate on charges of possessing and using drugs. April 13, 2009 +0 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
Two British men face jail terms of four years each after being arrested in the tourist hot-spot of Dubai for possessing small quantities of drugs April 13, 2009 +0 Dubai Dubai
Ben Yussef Isaac, a tennis trainer was convicted by an Egyptian court for five years and a fine of 10,000 pounds ($2000) after he was arrested April 13, 2009 Egypt's busiest border crossing with Israel + Taba Egypt's busiest border crossing with Israel Taba
Timothy Rutherford who worked as a civil contractor with British forces in southern Iraq was arrested last September while crossing into Kuwait April 13, 2009 +0 Kuwait Kuwait