Ryan Freeman has been placed on administrative leave from both his law enforcement posts after police said he illegally searched for information

Ryan Freeman has been placed on administrative leave from both his law enforcement posts after police said he illegally searched for information on two drug trafficking suspects.He is both a corrections officer with the Mahoning County Sheriff's Office and a Braceville Police Department officer.
Freeman was arrested last week on charges of unauthorized use of the Ohio Law Enforcement Gateway and obstruction of justice after officials with Trumbull Ashtabula Group Law Enforcement Task Force executed a search warrant at his home.
Police said he'd illegally used the OLEG information system to search the backgrounds of acquaintances Frederick Johnson and Brandy Purbaugh. During the search in late December, he learned they were suspects in a heroin ring investigation in Trumbull County.
Johnson and Purbaugh were arrested after raids in Warren earlier this month.
Freeman also searched information on two officers, said police.
Braceville Police Chief Bill Garro said Freeman's has worked at the department as an unpaid reserve officer for just a little over one month and has been placed on unpaid administrative leave.
"I was flabbergasted when I heard the news," Garro said.
Tarro said any further action regarding Freeman's status or employment will be up to township trustees.Meanwhile, Freeman has also been placed on paid administrative leave by the Mahoning County Sheriff's Office, where he's worked for about three years.
Freeman pleaded not guilty to his charges in Warren Municipal Court earlier this week and posted $5,000 bond.